Regional Council
70 -
Total Number of Groups
73085 -
Total Number of Farmers
1900741 -
Total number of valid Certificates
177448 -
Certified Cumulative Area (Ha)
Welcome to PGS India
PGS-India (Participatory Guarantee System of India) is a quality assurance initiative that is locally relevant, emphasize the participation of stakeholders, including producers and consumers and operate outside the frame of third party certification. National Project on Organic Farming (NPOF) is a continuing central sector scheme since 10th Five Year Plan.
Know MoreGuiding Principles of PGS India
Participation is an essential and dynamic part ofPGS, Participation embodies the principle of collective.
Transparency is created by having all stakeholders, including producers and consumers
The integrity base upon which PGS-India programme is built, is rooted in the idea that producers
PGS India is intended to be non-hierarchical at group level. This will reflect in the overall
National Networking
PGS India while keeping the spirit of PGS intact aims to give the entire movement an institutional structure.
News And Events PGS-INDIA
View AllBenefits of PGS-INDIA Web Portal
- It will promote transparency in certification process.
- It will lead to creation of a database of Organic producers and area under PGS certification with due traceability
- National Networking of organic producers, consumers and traders
- Easy to maintain documents and records of crop production
- Information is accessible to public domain
- Consumer verification of organic produce